Short Homily

Maundy Thursday Night, 2013
Rite of Footwashing, St Petri
In a way we cannot miss tonight—we proclaim and celebrate the realty that Jesus is a Servant king serving us always with his life and love and grace.
This sets him apart from all other world religious symbols and leaders. The Servant King is completely unique and his serving is revolutionary to us.
The Servant King is THE king—the Way, the Truth and the life for all people.
Will we turn away from his serving as peter and no doubt, other close friends, wanted to do on this night?
Is he too low for us? Is his cross not powerful enough for us? Is he too weak for us?
Or will we say, “Lord, wash our feet and our heads and our whole selves!”
Friends, find joy in his Serving in this re-enactment, in the holy meal we share tonight and in the good news of tomorrow and Sunday.