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God Carryies Us – Ascension Devotion

Writer's picture: adrian kitsonadrian kitson

Jesus deos three things that tell me he carries us as he departs to rule at his Father’s side…

I will be with you to the very end of the age….. Matthew 28: 20    He promises to stay with us through anything that can be thrown against us.

While he was blessing them he was taken up into heaven Luke 24:51   He never stopped blessing them. he is still blessing us and will do so everyday.

He will return in the same way he was taken up before your very eyes…. Acts 1:11  He will be there at the end and in the meantime he gives us a mission – to baptise and teach Jesus to the world.

Jesus ascension tells me that he carries me and will do so through all I face.

He carries me with his blessing that has never stopped since the day he ascended to begin his rule of grace

He will determine the beginnings and endings of my life and the ways of his world

If this is so then my life is his and in his hands.

 Jesus, as you rose from death and ascended to heaven; as all power in heaven and on earth is given to you; as you have opened the kingdom of heaven to all believers; as you are present with your body and blood in the sacrament:  

Keep us looking to things above as we look to things on earth; and keeping your commandments and remaining in your love; so that through the Comforter you would stay with us; and  in you we would have peace.

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