I must say, I am feeling a bit cranky about international payback politics having very unwanted and unnecessary affect on local people where I live.
This investigate by the Chinese government into the 'dumping' of 'cheap' Australian wine into the domestic Chinese market is disheartening for the locals. Why would the minnow nation who happens to grow premium wine for a vast market want to flood that huge market (as if they could!) and therefore bring the price down on the very wine they want to continue to trade?
But, I guess, as I once heard someone say, "Superpowers don't have friends, they have 'interests". That means any superpower of any time. In ancient times the Egyptians, the Babylonians, the Greeks under Alexander, had their 'interests'. In more recent times, Britannia who ruled the waves had its interests. We were one of them. All my life post World War II, the U.S have had us Aussies as an interest.
I guess, there will always be at least one superpower with a lot of interests to maintain their powers.
Hopefully, the power will not go to their heads (as it often can) and the everyday locals can survive.