adrian kitson

Apr 8, 20121 min

An Easter of Encouragement

Peace to you and yours! This has been an Easter of encouragement that has been pleasure to be a part of and contribute to.

From the young bible readers, to the ushers and greeters, to communion assistants to adult narrators to the classical and contemporary musicians and singers and soloists to those who came and listened and sung and prayed and shared the holy things of God in Word and Meal, thank you and thank the Lord.

We pray that the Spirit of thr Risen Christ build and bind us more and more into a people of faith, hope and love for each other and our town so that he releases all who are weighed down and captive, all who cannot see and hear him, all who are crusjed under the weight of living, all who have not recognised him in the darkness yet, for this is his mission and ours with him.

Easter Peace.

Pr Adrian

#easter #encouragement #thanks